Top Exercises to Enhance Your Bust Size

There is no magic formula when it comes to firming up and increasing the size of your breasts. What you can do, however, is maximize their potential. This means taking what you have and improving the look, shape and feel of your breasts. One way previously discussed in a prior post is breast massaging. Another one of the easiest ways to do this is by performing some simple exercises to enhance your bust size at home.

If you perform the following exercises regularly you could easily see improvements in as little as 4 – 6 weeks. Remember to exercise regularly and continue on even after you notice benefits.

Push-Ups to Enhance Bust Size

Push-ups are a truly effective exercise that can help improve the firmness and shape of your breasts. In addition, you will gain more upper body strength without greatly increasing your muscle size.

Push-ups can be difficult to perform. There is an easy alternative that is extremely effective. All you need to do is make use of a set of stairs:

  1. Simply place your feet on the floor with your toes just touching the bottom step.
  2. Lean forward and place your hands on a step.
  3. You want to feel comfortable and be able to perform the actual push-up action. Remember to keep your back straight.
  4. Do 10 push-ups.

It may be hard at first but you will soon feel a huge difference. As soon as ten becomes too easy, move your hands to the next step down and move your feet out a little. Continue in this manner until you can perform a push-up directly at floor level.

Exercises breast enhancement natural remedy womens health

Palm Press

This is a very quick and effective exercise for breast enhancement that can be done almost anywhere.

  1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Place the palms of your hands together at chest level, as though you were about to pray or start a yoga meditation move. Ensure that your elbows are level with your breasts.
  3. Concentrate on pressing your palms together as hard as possible for 10 -15 seconds.
  4. Repeat up to 10 times per session.

A variation of this is to hold your elbows with opposite hands and then perform a pushing motion with your hands. You can easily feel your breasts being moved and over time this will help improve your bust area. Similarly, as with most techniques, benefits multiply over time when you alternate between “pull” and “push” exercises.

Push-ups and palm presses provide you with a natural alternative over using things like pills, supplements, creams or even considering implants or other surgical procedures. If you are considering any type of breast surgery, then check out my on Breast Implant Surgery posts both here and here.

Random Questions

What exercises increase boob size?

Exercises like push-ups and palm presses can help enhance the firmness and shape of your breasts over time.

What makes your bust bigger?

Regularly performing breast-enhancing exercises can help improve muscle tone, giving the appearance of a perkier and fuller bust.

What exercises perk up your breasts?

Push-ups and palm presses are effective exercises that can help perk up your breasts by strengthening the underlying chest muscles.

How can I increase my breast size without implants?

Natural methods like exercises, massages, and lifestyle changes can contribute to enhancing breast size and firmness without resorting to surgical implants.

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