My Review [Updated Oct, 2024] Review: before and after

In this short but thorough Boost Your Bust review I will break down my honest opinion about Jenny Bolton and her popular breast enlargement guide.

I will dive deep into questions like:

  • Who is Jenny Bolton & why should anyone listen to her?
  • Exactly what comes with the Boost Your Bust program?
  • Has Boost Your Bust delivered promised results in my bust line?
  • Can Boost Your Bust also help you grow your breasts naturally?
  • Is the Boost Your Bust PDF guide worth your money?

And so many more burning questions you’re likely asking yourself.

More details on the guide here!

Before I get into the nitty gritty of the Boost Your Bust guide, let me say this: few things sting like being reminded by someone you trust of physical shortcomings you’re already self conscious of!

That was what happened to me. I was born with smaller breasts (purely the result of genetics, not my fault). I knew they were small and was extremely conscious of that fact all my adult life.

Than one day my boyfriend dared to casually point out that he wished I had a larger bust line. OUCH!!!

It hurt real bad when he said it, but it was at that moment I decided to do something about it.

The fact that you are reading this right now tells me you too are looking for an all natural way to enhance your breast size. So stick with me. I promise my story will ring a bell and I am confident I can shortcut your natural breast enlargement journey by sharing my story with you today in this Boost Your Bust overview.

Researching My Breast Enlargement Options

That dreadful night, after my boyfriend made the remark about my inadequate breast size, I got home and started researching my breast augmentation options. I’ve always been a very “taking ultimate responsibility” type of person and so was determined to finally do something to increase my breast size. Not just for my boyfriend, but for myself as well!

Woman Researching PDF eBook Testimonials

My research was overwhelming. I remember feeling so confused with all the conflicting information. Some sources said “it is possible to reactive breast growth hormones to increase breast size” while other sources basically said “surgery is your only option!”

“Movie stars get breast enhancement surgeries all the time. How dangerous can they be?” was another common objection when I started questioning to safety of silicon implants.

The truth of the matter really was that I did not care to get cut on. Much less walk around with risky man-made material in my body. But I was starting to get desperate, and so started to seriously consider silicone and saline breast implants. I started looking even deeper into the pros and cons of getting a surgical breast augmentation.

Now, keep in mind that this was way before I had ever heard of the Boost Your Bust program!

Breast Enlargement Surgery Statistics

I cringed when I read the statistics of how – despite being an extremely invasive procedure – the silicone implants only had a 15 – 20 year lifespan. Meaning I would have to get another surgery at some point in the future to remove and replace the gel pads. Considering the high cost of getting a breast enlargement surgery, it most definitely was not something I was looking forward to (or had the money for)!

On top of all that, I discovered that there are a dozen other risks. Like:

  • Breast implants can start leaking (yikes!!!)
  • I could lose all feelings in my nipple area (hell no!!!)
  • I would potentially never be able to breastfeed
  • Etc. etc.

I told myself there had to be another way to get the cup size increase I really wanted. And so I kept looking, researching, and educating myself on all things “natural breast enlargement”.

After a few weeks into this extremely frustrating journey, I called the office of a local implant surgeon to book a consultation appointment. Luckily they were so busy (apparently a very popular and experienced surgeon) that his assistant scheduled me in for 4 months down the road.

I say luckily because… it put me back into research mode. And that is when I came across the now popular Boost Your Bust ebook.

Becoming a Customer

When I first came across the video on the sales page, I thought the claims made about Jenny Bolton’s natural breasts enlargement tutorial were a bit far out there. To say I was skeptical is an understatement.

But then, when I stopped to think about it, I told myself to give my head a shake: I had been willing to spend thousands of dollars on an extremely dangerous breast implant procedure, and yet hesitated to buy an (apparently) extremely researched and well put together natural breast growth how-to guide… with dozens and dozens of customer testimonials? What’s wrong with me!?!

It was at this time that I pulled the trigger on investing in the Boost Your Bust program. At this point I didn’t do it for my boyfriend (I punted his sorry ass to the curb). I did it for myself. I told myself “if I can get bigger breasts naturally without negative side effects and without getting breast implants, I’d be foolish not to at the very least give it an honest try.”

And so I did. The rest – as they say – is history.

I managed to increase my bust line by two cup sizes since then with zero negative side effects – 100% thanks to the path this breast development program put me on – and I feel the best I’ve ever felt in my life.

I do not want to make any claims or promises, but I will say this: Little did I know that Jenny Bolton’s bust boosting guide would be responsible for the single greatest confidence boost of my adult life. In hindsight, I gladly would have paid a hundred times of what I did to get me to where I am today!

My Boost Your Bust Review

Boost Your Bust PDF Review

Before I dive into my Boost Your Bust testimonial too much, let me back up a bit and tell you what it is all about. And – more importantly – what it can do for you.

As you know by now, the Boost Your Bust PDF was written by the infamous Jenny Bolton who herself was looking for ways to enlarge her breasts a couple cup sizes.

After years of misery and dissatisfaction with her small breasts, she started experimenting with various natural enhancement options. Lucky for us she documented her trials and errors and compiled the successes in the Boost Your Bust e-booklet (in an easy to read PDF format).

Jenny wrote this guide so you and I don’t have to experience what she went through – although I know it is our similar stories that puts us all on this “similar” path to begin with.

One of the things I love about simple pdf ebooks like this one, is that you can immediately download and read them after you purchase them. No waiting for days for the package to arrive – scared you’ll have to explain to someone what it’s all about.

Instantaneous gratification. Complete privacy. Totally your journey. Just the way it should be!

In other words, I was literally able to start implementing Jenny’s natural breast enlargement techniques 2 minutes after I hit the “buy now” button on her site. Isn’t modern technology amazing?

What is Inside the BoostYourBust Guide?

The Boost Your Bust ebook covers a variety of all natural breast enhancement methods you can start using right away to begin your all natural breast augmentation journey.

Here are just a few of the many topics Jenny Bolton dives into:

  • What Your Breasts Are and How They Grow
  • The Top Foods to Eat to Help Increase Breast Tissue
  • Explanation of How Natural Breast Enlargement Works
  • The Little Known Super Supplement That Has Been Proven To Increase Breast Size
  • Herbs That are Known to Help You get Bigger Breasts Naturally
  • The Top 5 Exercises that Instantly Make Your Breasts Look Bigger
  • And much much more

Side Note: With any type of natural breast enhancement method you need to give the recommended methods a chance to work on your body. Enlarging breasts naturally is no different. You’re not going to see an instantaneous boob enlargement the way you would after getting breast implants, but Jenny Bolton does not disappoint with this one.

Does BoostYourBust Work?

When you read the sales page for Boost Your Bust, you will notice that the women state seeing significant improvements around the 4 week period. For example:

  • One teenager says she used this method and saw improvements in just 2 weeks (remember that she was still at an age where her body was growing).
  • Another customer says that she went from a size A Cup to a C Cup in just 5 weeks and 5 days.

As you can expect these women are totally excited about their breast enlargement results. Imagine going from an A cup to C cup in just 40 days… who wouldn’t be stoked?

Are these breast enlargement results something that you can expect as well? The answer is “yes you can!”

The whole process of Boost Your Bust is based on natural methods. This includes choosing to eat the right foods, learning how to exercise your breast area muscles correctly, as well as performing a simple but effective massage technique before going to bed each night.

So yes, the Boost Your Bust PDF delivers on the goods it promises, but it’s not going to happen overnight. Keep implementing the wisdom Jenny Bolton imparts through the Boost Your Bust program and I promise – based on my own experience – you will not be disappointed 4 to 6 weeks from now!

In fact, stick with her instructions and I bet a month from now you will be shopping for bigger bras to accommodate the breast growth.

BoostYourBust Before & After Results

The expected benefits that you will see from using this natural breast enhancement program include:

  • Gaining on average one cup size in about 6 weeks
  • HOT super growth routine that grows your breasts naturally
  • Saving $$ by learning how to make your own breast enhancement cream at home
  • The super supplement to use for teens
  • Understanding the truth about how your estrogen level affects your breasts
  • Discover the top exercises to improve your bust immediately
  • Clothing fashion secrets
  • Etc.

If there is one thing I absolutely loved about the Boost Your Bust breast enlargement program, it was the fact that I was empowered to instantly do something about my small breasts. No waiting around for breast tissue to grow (although it will) but rather an instant boost to my self image with very practical hacks ANYONE can implement.

This alone was worth more than 10 times of what this guide cost me!

Is BoostYourBust for You?

BoostYourBust Customer Satisfaction Results Guarantee

My first response – based on what I learned in the guide – is “YES!”
Truth is, it may not be for you. Not everything works for everybody. Just like some people expect to wake up looking trim and sexy without putting in the work, so some women expect to wake up with their perfect breasts size, but life sadly does not work like that. Even if you were to pay for an extremely expensive surgery it takes time for things to heal!

With that said, if you are like me and are ready to put in the work (it really isn’t that hard), you are guaranteed to see results. Jenny guarantees a 2 cup increase and her average customers see a cup size increase in under 6 weeks. Crazy, right?

Let me just say this: I have never heard of anyone that Jenny Bolton’s solid advice did not work for. So my unbiased recommendation would be: Get the Boost Your Bust guide and see if it’s right for you!

If it is (and I’m confident it will be): GREAT. Your life will never be the same!

If it is NOT for you (which can happen), no problem. Just ask for your money back within the first 60 days and Jenny will refund you – no questions asked.

The Money back Guarantee is really important to me. In fact, I don’t normally recommend products that do not offer a money back guarantee. Mainly because I know we all work differently and just because something works exceptionally well for me does not mean it will do the same for everyone else, right?

Which is why, as I mentioned earlier, it will take about 4 weeks until you start noticing a drastic change in your breast size. The cash back guarantee on Boost Your Bust is 60 days (8 weeks), so this is more than enough time to test out all the methods Jenny writes about and see if they produce results for you (like they have for thousands of others).

Another nice added feature is that you will receive Jenny’s personal email address with your order should you run into any challenges. Again, this is something that is unheard of and makes her one of my favorite authors in this niche.

Get The BoostYourBust Specifics – Here!

Wrapping Up this Testimonial

For thousands of years, women around the world have been trying to increase their breast sizes but – largely because sexuality was a hush-hush topic – few of them ever found an effective way of getting the larger and firmer breasts they desired.

When breast implant surgeries became more popular, thousands of women flocked to it and got themselves implants. Many of those implants ended in disaster.

Thankfully implants have gotten a lot safer over the years, yet 20% of women end up having their implants removed shortly after anyway for one reason or another. That is 1 in 5 women. Can you imagine? Scary!

It is always better to opt for natural breast enhancement options!

As more women worldwide become aware of the risks associated with surgical breast enhancement procedures (not to mention the cost), more and more of them start turning to natural breast enhancement methods as an alternative and safer choice.

Boost Your Bust eBook .PDF

So your next question of course is “Can you really increase you breast size by a cup size using only natural enhancement methods?

According to Jenny’s time-tested guide, Boost Your Bust (See Here!), the answer is a resounding “Yes!”

The same goes for my experience and the experience of many thousands of other women!

So in conclusion, I hope you found this Boost Your Bust testimonial helpful and I hope you give it an honest try. Time will pass anyway. Imagine your breasts being a cup size larger just 4 to 6 short weeks from now.

It was what happened to me and the law of averages says it can happen for you as well.

Get Your BoostYourBust Copy Here!

PS: I just learned that Jenny is temporarily dropping the price of her program by $10 USD until midnight of Oct 16, 2024. If you’re reading this before then, you’re presented an excellent opportunity to save on this invaluable investment in yourself!

Common BoostYourBust Questions

Who is Jenny Bolton and why should anyone listen to her?

Jenny Bolton is the author of the Boost Your Bust guide and a woman who went through her own journey of wanting to increase her breast size. Her guide provides natural methods and techniques for breast enlargement.
Many women listen to her because she has documented her experiences, trials, and successes in the Boost Your Bust ebook.

What does the Boost Your Bust program include?

The Boost Your Bust program consists of an easy-to-read PDF guide that covers a range of topics related to natural breast enhancement. It includes information on breast growth, recommended foods, natural supplements, herbs, exercises, and massage techniques.

Are the results from Boost Your Bust permanent?

The Boost Your Bust program does not claim permanent results. The effects of natural breast enhancement methods may vary depending on factors such as genetics, lifestyle, and hormonal changes. It is recommended to continue with maintenance techniques or periodic application of the program to maintain the desired results.

How long does it take to see results with Boost Your Bust?

Results may vary from person to person. Some women have reported seeing improvements in breast size and firmness within a few weeks of following the Boost Your Bust program.
However, it is important to note that natural breast enhancement methods may require consistent effort and time to achieve noticeable results.

Is the Boost Your Bust PDF guide worth the money?

The value of the Boost Your Bust PDF guide depends on individual preferences and goals. It provides information and techniques for natural breast enhancement, and many women have reported positive results. Ultimately, it is up to you to determine if the guide aligns with your needs and expectations.

Can Boost Your Bust help grow breasts naturally?

Yes, the Boost Your Bust program focuses on natural methods for breast enlargement, such as dietary adjustments, exercises, and massage techniques. It does not involve surgical procedures or the use of implants.

Has Boost Your Bust delivered promised results in terms of breast size enhancement?

According to testimonials and customer reviews, many women have seen improvements in their breast size and firmness after following the Boost Your Bust program. Results may vary, but the program aims to provide gradual and natural breast growth over time.