Becoming Beautiful: Personal Desire or Social Conditioning?

The motivation of looking good is not a bad thing. In fact, it can be empowering. Whether the action results in using cosmetics, to personal fashion, or to breast enhancement, the intention of being more attractive is not inherently “wrong”. But one thing that can be overlooked is whether this desire stems from a personal motivation. Or is it society dictating it by programming you? Social conditioning is a powerful influence, one that most people do not realize.

What is Social Conditioning?

To get to the bottom of the matter, defining social conditioning is necessary. The textbook definition of it is fairly straightforward:

Beauty a Social Construct?

Social conditioning is the result of influencing individuals living in a society to act and behave in a way that meets the approval of either the general population or one’s group of peers.

If you have ever heard of the “nature vs. nurture” debate, social conditioning is one of the manifestations of the latter point. The idea is that who a person ultimately is stems from how they are raised. Or it may also be the environment that one is exposed to.

Have you ever had the impulse to do something, but it felt more like you were doing it begrudgingly? Social conditioning explains why there are times when one might do something without actually wanting to do so. And it is not out of obligation or duty, either.

Here is an example to illustrate: A group of women friends discuss about their underwear brands. Most of the women in the group mention that Brand X has a great bust lifting effect. Now, one of the women is satisfied with her current Brand Y. But the discussion made her think about getting Brand X.

Now, in this scenario, is the woman really interested in buying Brand X because she wants it? Or is she motivated because she is influenced by her peers? Given that she is already satisfied with her current brand’s bust lifting effect, there really is no reason to get the other brand. This is an example of how social conditioning works.

Why is Knowing Social Conditioning Important?

We have touched on the Law of Attraction before and how intention is key to what we manifest in our lives. When you manifest something that came out of your true desire, it provides a greater level of satisfaction. But if you manifest something that is not truly what you want, then the satisfaction is fleeting.

Given this, determining whether or not your drive to improve your looks is actually “yours” or not becomes imperative. This becomes even more important if you are deciding on a more permanent change. For instance, if you are considering getting cosmetic or breast implant surgery, make sure the desire comes from you. After all, you would not want to go through invasive surgery and then feel unsatisfied because the root is not your own heartfelt desire.

How To Find Out Your Heart’s Desire?

Finding out if your desire to improve your looks is from your own heart is not too difficult. However, it does take some effort and time to do so. One of the most effective ways is through meditation. Yoga and other esoteric disciplines promote the benefits of meditation quite heavily. This is especially for mental, emotional, and spiritual insight.

Meditation can help you find the truth about your desire to look good. Find a quiet place where you can meditate undisturbed. Close your eyes and measure your breathing. Breathe in, counting to three. And then exhale afterwards, also counting to three as you do.

Once you have done 10 repetitions of this, ask yourself the pertinent question. In this case, it can be as simple as “is this what I truly desire”? Or you can be more specific in asking, like “do I really want to get breast implants?” In asking these questions, be honest with yourself. You may be surprised to discover the actual truth.

Another way of introspection is by examining your past. Think about how you made decisions before. Were they truly your choice or were they influenced by your peers? Or perhaps this was influenced by elements from society? Examples of such may be from advertisements or commercials. Remember that these were designed specifically to cause an emotional response to “push” consumers.

The Truth Will Set You Free

Discovering the truth behind your interest in improving your looks can be an epiphany. Again, I should emphasize to do this introspection before making any long-lasting decisions. This can avoid heartaches and discontent later on. More than that, it can help you consider alternatives that are more natural and safer, such as using creams, massages, and serums for breast enlargement.

In the future, we will look further at the motivations for beautification and how you can make them work for you. Stay tuned to for more!

Random Questions

What are examples of social conditioning?

Examples include gender roles, beauty standards, and societal expectations influencing behaviors and preferences.

What is meant by social conditioning?

Social conditioning refers to the process of influencing individuals to adopt behaviors and beliefs that align with societal norms and expectations.

What is the difference between social conditioning and cultural conditioning?

While social conditioning pertains to broader societal influences, cultural conditioning focuses on the norms and values specific to a particular culture or group.

How does social conditioning affect human behavior?

Social conditioning shapes human behavior by instilling norms, values, and expectations that influence decisions, preferences, and actions, often unconsciously.

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