In this final installment of our fibrocystic breast series, and today we will cover treatments for this condition. You will discover which medical procedures can help you as well as which home treatments we recommend. Hopefully you will be well-equipped now with information to make a decision on next steps for wherever you’re at in your health journey.
Even if you do have fibrocystic breasts, if your pain is mild then you can continue with no treatment. However, if your pain is severe or if you have cysts as well, then treatment will definitely be recommended.
Your doctor can perform a procedure called a fine needle aspiration where they will drain the fluid from a cyst. Cysts are fluid-filled sacs, so if they do discover fluid inside, then your condition will be relieved.

Considering Surgery for Fibrocystic Breasts
If the aspiration method does not relieve the pain, then sometimes surgery is required. This happens very rarely so please keep this in mind. If a cyst does not respond to the first treatment then your doctor will recommend removing it surgically.
Other treatments which may be recommended by your doctor include using oral contraceptives which can help balance your hormones and keeps your menstrual cycle regular.
Prescription medication for pain and discomfort if the over the counter medications don’t bring you enough relief.
Home Treatments, Support Bras
Home treatments that you can perform include using pain medications such as any over-the-counter medication which contains acetaminophen or some type of anti-inflammatory drug. Tylenol, Advil, Motrin IB are examples which work extremely well.
If your breasts are tender and sore then buying a firm support bra can help and if you exercise then use a sports bra. Many women find relief by wearing their sports bra during the night when symptoms are at their worst.

If you are a coffee drinker then you may want to limit the number of cups you drink each day. Watch your diet in general and cut down on your fat intake, this can make a big difference in your symptoms.
Hormone Therapy, Heat Pads
Hormone therapy has been associated with increased risks of developing fibrocystic breasts. If you have been using this type of therapy you may wish to stop it. Before stopping cold turkey, talk with your doctor about how to come off the prescription safely.
Additional ways to reduce your pain and discomfort include using a heating pad and applying it over your breasts when needed. Another method that is showing to be a huge help is in using evening primrose oil. Many women have stated that their symptoms improve within 3 months of using this supplement so it may well be worth trying for you.
Fibrocystic breasts are linked to your hormones and your estrogen levels. So make sure that you are getting enough estrogen but that you are not over dosing yourself.
If you have any questions, always seek professional medical advice. We now hope you have been well-educated with the information you need to either continue your research, or begin treating your condition or that of a friend or family member that you love.
Random Questions
You can alleviate discomfort by using over-the-counter pain relievers, wearing supportive bras, limiting caffeine, and applying heat pads.
Hormone therapy, excessive caffeine intake, and high-fat diets can exacerbate fibrocystic breast disease symptoms.
It’s advisable to reduce fat intake and limit caffeine consumption to manage fibrocystic breast disease symptoms.
Massaging can provide relief for some, but consult your doctor before trying any new methods.